Author: Divya Sharma and Virender Kumar
Author Address: Teaching Faculty, Department of Social Sciences, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri, Hamirpur-177001 (H.P.) and Head and Principal Scientist, Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension Education and Rural Sociology, CSKHPKV, Palampur-176062 (
Keywords: Family labour income, livestock business income, operational cost, output-input ratio, total cost C*.
JEL Codes: B16, D24, J21.
The livestock production systems in four
agro-climatic zones of the Chamba district were studied. To meet the day-to-day
expenses and living, among cows and buffaloes, migratory sheep and goat-rearing
were also ubiquitous among of Gaddis the
district. The average livestock population was found more in Zone-IV (15.10
SAUs,) followed by Zone-III (9.05 SAUs), Zone-II (1.23 SAUs) and Zone-I (1.12
SAUs). In the rearing of indigenous cows, the average total cost (C*) ranged
between ?68413 and 82069 per animal across the different zones. In the case of
improved cows, the maximum average total cost was found to be ?94081 per
animal. Further, in the case of buffalo, the average total cost (C*) ranged
between ?105232 and 110839 per animal. In rearing goats, the Cost C* ranged
from ?34070 to 40557, and in the case of sheep, it varied from ?27183 to 39075
per five animals. Livestock business income (LBI) from the indigenous and
improved cows was found maximum in Zone-I (?4593 and 37625 per animal,
respectively) and from buffalo also maximum in Zone-I (?34489 per animal). In
the case of goat and sheep enterprises, LBI ranged from ?2726 (Zone-III) to
9725 (Zone-IV) and ?1161 (Zone-II) to 6299 (Zone-IV) per five animals,
respectively. In the case of rearing dairy and sheep per goat animals, the
maximum output-input ratio over cost A was in Zone-III and IV, respectively.
Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 18 No. 3, 2022, 617-626
NAAS Score: 5.15 (2022)
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS
Indexed in Scopus (SJR: 0.18)
UGC Approved (UGC-Care List Group II)