Author: Rajagopal N.
Author Address: Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thirurvarur-610005 (Tamil Nadu)
Keywords: Economic benefits, NHGs, tribal and non-tribal.
JEL Codes: G20, G21, R12.
The empirical study identified the significant factors contributing to the economic benefits of the NHGs of Kudumbashree in the tribal and non-tribal areas. The study was conducted in the district of Palakkad, Kerala. The identified factors were income earning, credit availability, transparency and collateral security. The study found that some factors' influence was common, and others differed between study areas. But these differences were minimal, which was unique in the social context of Kerala. The study suggested the need to adopt area-specific strategies while targeting the economic policies for SHGs.
Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 19 No. 1, 2023, 132-139
NAAS Score: 5.15 (2023)
Indexed in SCOPUS and ESCI (Clarivate Analytics)
Journal Citation Indicator: 0.04 (WoS)
UGC Approved