An Analysis of Marigold Marketing Facilities in Haryana

Published On: 2023-06-23 08:58:11

Price: ₹ 500

Author: Neelam Kumari, Pooja Dangi Arun and Pankaj Yadav

Author Address: Maharana Pratap Horticultural University, Karnal-132157 (Haryana)

Keywords: Economic analysis, factor analysis, marketing facilities.

JEL Codes: Q10, Q13.


Economic analysis of marketing facilities available to the farmers was done in the Haryana region to analyze the efficiency of the exchange of flowers from production to consumption. The present study was conducted in two districts viz., Gurugram and Jhajjar of Haryana state. The findings revealed that the majority of the respondents perceived that statement viz., a farmer should earn his living, and it can be determined in economic terms is valid for economic motivation ranked first and indicated a weighted mean score of 4.66. Further, to test the adequacy of the sample, factor analysis, KMO, and Bartlett's test of Sphericity was applied and yielded four factors, explaining a total of 66.72 per cent of the variance for the entire set of marketing facilities adopted by the farmer. Regarding constraints, the majority of farmers considered “lack of market information” a severe constraint, ranked first with a 2.91 weighted mean score. The present era has a dynamic shift from sustenance production to commercial production through APEDA.



Indian Journal of Economics and Development  

Volume 19 No. 2, 2023, 426-432



NAAS Score: 5.15 (2023)

Indexed in SCOPUS and ESCI (Clarivate Analytics)

Journal Citation Indicator: 0.04 (WoS)

UGC Approved