Value Chain Analysis for Robusta Coffee in Kodagu District of Karnataka

Published On: 2023-06-23 09:22:01

Price: ₹ 500

Author: Sushma M. Prakash, Pradeepa Babu B.N. and Jaganath Olekar

Author Address: Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru-560065 (Karnataka) and Market Research and Intelligence Unit, Coffee Board, Bengaluru- 560024 (Karnataka)

Keywords: Value chain mapping, price spread, producer share in consumer rupee, upgrading.

JEL Codes: D40, F10, Q13.


The present study was conducted in the Kodagu district of Karnataka. Simple descriptive statistics tools like averages and percentages were used to estimate the cost of production, returns, price spread and margins made. The study results indicated that the coffee growers share in export price (66.49 per cent) is a little high in parchment coffee production than in dry cherry coffee production (40.54 per cent), which was attributed to the value-addition activities undertaken by the coffee grower's. Thus, the study indicated the opportunities for coffee growers to move up in the value chain and thereby increase their share in export prices.


Indian Journal of Economics and Development  

Volume 19 No. 2, 2023, 330-338



NAAS Score: 5.15 (2023)

Indexed in SCOPUS and ESCI (Clarivate Analytics)

Journal Citation Indicator: 0.04 (WoS)

UGC Approved