Estimation of Elasticities of Milk Production in the Eastern Region of India: A Normalized Profit Function Approach

Published On: 2023-09-18 10:03:07

Price: ₹ 500

Author: Binita Kumari and B.S. Chandel

Author Address: Rashtriya Kisan (PG) College, Shamli-247776 (Uttar Pradesh) and ICAR- National Dairy Research Institute Karnal- 132001 (Haryana)

Keywords: Elasticity, milk, normalized profit function, seemingly unrelated regression equations, translog.

JEL Codes: A11, C01, C02, C39, Q21.


The study employed a normalized trans log profit function approach to estimate the output supply and factor demand elasticities of milk production in the eastern region of India. The profit maximization hypothesis was rejected, and thus, the farmers in the region must be motivated to take up dairy farming on scientific lines to maximize their profits. Most of the cross-price elasticities of input demand were negative, revealing that the inputs were complements of each other. The elasticities revealed that when the milk price changes, the milk supply increase was lesser than the demand for inputs. The large negative elasticity of the labour wage rate urges dairy farmers to move towards mechanization and use IT techniques in dairy farming.


Indian J Econ Dev, 2023, 19(3), 672-678