Author: Devegowda S.R., Saket Kushwaha and P. S. Badal
Author Address: Department of Agricultural Economics, Rajiv Gandhi University (A Central University), Doimukh, Papum Pare-791112 (Arunachal Pradesh) and Department of Agricultural Economics, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi-221005 (Uttar Pradesh)
Keywords: Adoption, climate-resilient technologies, crop production, factors, multi-ordinal.
JEL Codes: Q15, Q16, Q55, Q58.
The study was conducted to assess the level of adoption and factors that affected the adoption of climate-resilient technologies in rice-wheat cropping systems. The empirical data were collected via purposive and random sampling with a well-structured schedule. Data was processed using multi-ordinal logistic regression. The study found factors on the adoption such as education, land holding, experience and extension contact were positive, whereas age had a negative pattern. Economic impact like high climate resilient technology adopted farmers had higher returns per rupee invested compared to the medium and low adopted farmers. The policy implications emphasize the importance of implementing targeted extension services, providing financial incentives and creating a conducive policy environment that encourages widespread adoption and enhances agricultural resilience.
Indian J Econ Dev, 2023, 19(3), 660-665