Emerging Opportunities for Restructuring Livestock Products and Supply Chains in Post-COVID-19 in India: A Review

Published On: 2023-12-18 16:30:11

Price: ₹ 500

Author: Naresh Singla and Gautami Verma

Author Address: Assistant Professor and Doctoral Fellow, Department of Economic Studies, Central University of Punjab, Ghudda (Bathinda)-151 401 (Punjab)

Keywords: Agri-food markets, COVID-19, livestock products, livestock supply chains.

JEL Codes: Q10, Q13, Q18.


The outbreak of COVID-19 has vividly tested the resilience of the livestock sector in India. During this process, a volume of current and potential opportunities has also arisen to redesign livestock products and supply chains. The study reviewed systematic observations to enhance productivity, product quality, and traceability in the livestock sector of India. The study explored the nature of recent digitization and remote monitoring through sensors, food development, and supply chain remodelling to assess post-pandemic acceleration toward modern production and marketing channels. An extensive review of the studies revealed that the emergence of organized micro-delivery channels had created a vast market scope to modernize distribution supply chains, where real-time production chains provided seamless transmission of information among all the stakeholders. The study revealed that the Government should encourage agri-tech startups, which can play a crucial role in propagating organized and hybrid supply chains. Further, livestock value-added product development through large-scale food fortification (LSFF) can help to reduce nutritional deficiency. Therefore, the study concluded that redesigning supply chains and value-added product development in the livestock sector are crucial to inclusive and sustainable agricultural development.       


Indian J Econ Dev, 2023, 19(4), 865-872
