Gender Employment Disparities in the Rural Non-farm Sector in India

Published On: 2024-09-18 15:44:52

Price: ₹ 500

Author: Aikjyot Kaur Dua

Author Address: Department of Economics, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002 (Punjab)

Keywords: Low-skill jobs, manufacturing, services, wage gap, women employment.

JEL Codes: B55, E24, J21.


The analysis indicated significant gender differences in both quantity and quality of employment in the rural non-farm sector. Women were mostly involved in petty self-employed businesses. Furthermore, women in regular and casual jobs earned 59 and 63 per cent in comparison to males. Interestingly, education did not significantly equalize wages across genders in various sub-sectors of rural non-farm sectors. It was imperative to create more opportunities within the village to promote inclusive growth in the rural non-farm sector and protect the socio-economic interests of women. Apart from petty self-employment, diversification needs to be generated by creating opportunities in the organized sector. Expansion and promotion of rural industrialisation is a viable option. The government should prioritize establishing skill development centres near the village, making it easy for women to commute. 


Indian J Econ Dev, 2024, 20(3), 589-595