The Effect of Urban Sprawl on Agriculture: A Study of Land Use Dynamics in Bengaluru

Published On: 2024-09-18 15:48:25

Price: ₹ 500

Author: Udaykumar, M.S., Vaishnavi, Manojkumar Patil and Suman L.

Author Address: Scientist, Agricultural Economics, ICAR-National Institute of Secondary Agriculture, Namkum, Ranchi-834 010 and 2epartment of Agricultural Economics, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore-560 065

Keywords: Investment, land fragmentation, marginalization, rural-urban interface, urbanization.

JEL Codes: C51, R52, O12, Q15.


The present study quantified urban sprawl and evaluated its consequences on agricultural productivity and rural livelihoods. The study used primary data from 60 farmers each in rural, peri-urban, and urban transacts. The results revealed that urban landholdings increased from 15.93 to 18.34 ha between 2000-01 and 2010-11. In 2020, land values were 66.04, 162.56, and 251.4 lakhs per ha in rural, peri-urban and urban areas, respectively. About 50 per cent of urban farmers, 46.25 per cent of peri-urban farmers, and 35 per cent of rural farmers sold their land. Sale of agricultural land and fragmentation of land holdings were the major causative factors. The findings highlighted the urgent need for sustainable urban planning and agricultural policies to balance urban expansion with the preservation of vital agricultural resources and rural communities' well-being. 


Indian J Econ Dev, 2024, 20(3), 569-577