Author: Dilraj Kaur and Mohit Gupta
Author Address: School of Business Studies, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004 (Punjab)
Keywords: Banks and insurance companies, firm-specific attributes, Indian stock market
JEL Codes: E22, E44, F65, G11, G21, G23
The present study aimed to assess the significant firm-specific attributes as important determinants of Banks and Insurance companies (BIC) shareholding. Quarterly values of shareholding for selected shares were regressed upon quarterly values of firmspecific attributes. The significant firm-specific attributes were found to be the age of the company, debt-equity ratio, price to book ratio, net profits, and the issue of ADR/GDR by the company. The most important among these company attributes according to standardized regression coefficients were found to be an issue of ADR/GDR followed by net profits. When cross-section regression was applied for 31 sequential quarters, the regression equation was significant statistically in 32.25 percent, with an R average of 2 91.29 percent.
Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 17 No. 1, 2021, 143-149
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS
Scopus: Title Accepted
NAAS Score: 5.15