Author: G. Mari , G. Xavier , and Vijay Prakash Gupta
Author Address: Research Scholar, AlagappaUniversity, Karaikudi, Sivagangai-630003 (Tamil Nadu), Associate Professor and Head (Former), Department of Economics, Sree Sevugan Annamalai College, Devakottai, Sivagangai- 630302 (Tamil Nadu), and Assistant Professor-Managem
Keywords: Environmental effect, producer cooperatives, time series models
JEL Codes: C22, J54, Q51.
Dairy farming is vulnerable to seasonal variable factors such as temperature, cold climatic conditions, and rainfall. These affect the production and reproduction traits of dairy animals. Seasonal variability also affects the quantity of consumption and marketing of milk considerably. The study aimed to ass Dairy farming is vulnerable to seasonal variable factors such as temperature, cold climatic conditions, and rainfall. These affect the production and reproduction traits of dairy animals. Seasonal variability also affects the quantity of consumption and marketing of milk considerably. The study aimed to assess the seasonal fluctuation in milk production in Sivagangai District Cooperative Milk Producer’s Union Limited (SDCMPUL), Tamil Nadu. The study used secondary data. The milk production data were collected from SDCMPUL, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu. The data covered the period from 2001-02 to 2020-21. The study used descriptive statistics, CAGR, and paired't-test to determine the variation of milk production according to seasonal changes. The MS office - Excel software and SPSS software were used to analyse the data. The results revealed that the mean milk production of the lean and flush season was 2.46 and 2.30 lakh liters, and the CAGR of milk production in SDCMPUL, Tamil Nadu, during the period 2001-02 to 2020-21 was 5.65 percent, and it was 5.23 percent in lean season and 6.11 percent in the flush season while the growth rate of milk production during the lean and flush season was positive and was significant statistically. It was found that the quantity of milk production was higher in the lean season than a flush season; however, the variability of milk production was more in the flush season than in the lean season.ess the seasonal fluctuation in milk production in Sivagangai District Cooperative Milk Producer’s Union Limited (SDCMPUL), Tamil Nadu. The study used secondary data. The milk production data were collected from SDCMPUL, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu. The data covered the period from 2001-02 to 2020-21. The study used descriptive statistics, CAGR, and paired't-test to determine the variation of milk production according to seasonal changes. The MS office - Excel software and SPSS software were used to analyse the data. The results revealed that the mean milk production of the lean and flush season was 2.46 and 2.30 lakh liters, and the CAGR of milk production in SDCMPUL, Tamil Nadu, during the period 2001-02 to 2020-21 was 5.65 percent, and it was 5.23 percent in lean season and 6.11 percent in the flush season while the growth rate of milk production during the lean and flush season was positive and was significant statistically. It was found that the quantity of milk production was higher in the lean season than a flush season; however, the variability of milk production was more in the flush season than in the lean season.
Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 17 No. 3, 2021, 569-575
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS
Scopus: Title Accepted
NAAS Score: 5.15