Measurement and Analysis of Multidimensional Poverty using Fuzzy Set Approach

Published On: 2021-09-16 12:00:28

Price: ₹ 500

Author: Nitin Tanwar and B. K. Hooda

Author Address: Department of Statistics, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi, Delhi-110024 and Department of Mathematics and Statistics, CCS HAU, Hisar-121004 (India)

Keywords: Multidimensional poverty, rural and urban areas, TFR

JEL Codes: O18, P25, P46, R21


The study was carried out to measure and analyse aspect based multidimensional poverty in rural and urban Haryana using a fuzzy set approach. The necessary data for the study was obtained from the 69 round conducted in 2012 by the NSSO on drinking water, th sanitation, hygiene, and housing conditions. The Totally Fuzzy and Relative Approach was used. The fuzzy multidimensional poverty index for rural, urban and overall Haryana was calculated based on drinking water, sanitation, and housing conditions. The results revealed that 33.28 percent of households in Haryana overall were multidimentionally poor, with 36.64 percent of households in rural and 30.46 percent in urban areas. The government should lay the water connections and water pipes, construction of individual household latrines, sanitary complex for women, school, and sanitation housing schemes for all BPL families under schemes initiated by the government to overcome poverty based on these aspects.


Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 17 No. 3, 2021, 495-509

Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS
Scopus: Title Accepted
NAAS Score: 5.15