Author: Devendra Kumar Verma and Hari Singh
Author Address: Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara-144411 (Punjab), and 2Assistant Professor. Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Uda
Keywords: Growth, oilseeds, production
JEL Codes: C38, D24, F43, G41.
Indian Economy is an emerging economy, but it is still an agricultural economy because most people earn their livelihood from agriculture. The results from the study showed that seed, fertilizer, and manure were positively significantly affecting rapeseed & mustard and soybean production. The variables such as fertilizer and human labour were found positive and significant, while bullock labour measures had a significant negative effect on sesamum production. The variables, namely fertilizer, human labour and irrigation water, were found positively significant in estimating the production function of cotton, whereas plant protection measures were found to be negatively significant contributing factors. Proper management of costly inputs needs strengthening the extension services. Judicious use of inputs like pesticides and fertilizers not only help in keeping low production costs but will also maintain soil health and sustain productivity.
Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 18 No. 1, 2022, 234-238
NAAS Score: 5.15
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS
Indexed in Scopus
UGC Approved