Author: Gurudas Mondal* and Navin Kumar Rajpal
Author Address: Department of Economics, Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia-723104 (West Bengal)
Keywords: Access and control, financial exclusion, financial literacy score.
JEL Codes: G51, G52, G53, L26, R20.
The evaluation of financial literacy was undertaken across poor and marginalized women engaged in entrepreneurial activities across major markets of Purulia town, West Bengal. The poor performance of women entrepreneurs on the Financial Literacy Score (FLS) was noticed. A significant gap was observed between the information about the financial system and access to their instruments. The study suggested developing financial literacy through induction programs and awareness camps among local entrepreneurs. The bank correspondence model can serve more efficiently by extending cooperation and trustworthiness.
Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 18 No. 1, 2022, 218-223
NAAS Score: 5.15
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS
Indexed in Scopus
UGC Approved