Author: Egor Ichima, Ekaterina Degtiareva, and Ekaterina Makarova Korobeynikova
Author Address: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow (Russia) and Russian Customs Academy, Moscow Region (Russia)
Keywords: Global oil market, oil prices, oil production, restrictions.
JEL Codes: F13, G15, Q27.
The purpose of the research is to study the causes, course, and main motives of OPEC's interaction with the Russian Federation, as well as to analyse the positions of each of the parties and determine the potential consequences of interaction within OPEC+ for the global oil market. The study examined the specifics of OPEC's cooperation with oil-producing non-OPEC countries, primarily with the Russian Federation. The results highlighted the significance of the Declaration on Cooperation as a fundamental document regulating the restriction of oil production on the world market between OPEC member countries and non-OPEC oil-producing countries. It was concluded that the interaction between OPEC member countries and Russia within the framework of OPEC+ affected the global oil market and regulates it in a certain way. Decisions within OPEC+ to reduce or increase the production of this resource affect global oil prices.
Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 18 No. 2, 2022, 459-464
NAAS Score: 5.15 (2022)
Indexed in Clarivate Analytics (ESCI) of WoS
Indexed in Scopus (SJR: 0.18)
UGC Approved (UGC-Care List Group II)