Author: Shibani, Gagan Mehta, and Samriti
Author Address: MS Swaminathan School of Agriculture, Shoolini University, Bajhol, Solan-173229 (Himachal Pradesh) and Department of Social Sciences, Dr Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry Nauni, Solan-173230 (Himachal Pradesh)
Keywords: Censored Tobit model, crop diversification, principal component analysis, Simpson index.
JEL Codes: C34, C38, Q10.
The current study on factors influencing crop diversification was carried out in the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh to determine the causes of crop diversification among rural people using primary data gathered through multistage random sampling from 90 farm households. The censored Tobit model was used to analyze the determinants influencing crop diversification. The results revealed that five of the ten examined variables positively and significantly influenced crop diversification: Education, farming experience, farm size, standard animal units (SAU), age of household head, market information, credit access, family size, extension services, and irrigation availability. Of these ten variables, five variables viz; farming experience, farm size, market information, family size, and extension services positively and significantly affected crop diversification. The results of PCA showed that factors influencing the change in the cropping system were the availability of HYVs and chemical fertilizers, irrigation facilities, land holdings and government subsidies and policies. Therefore, the study's findings will aid government stakeholders in recognizing the challenges faced by farmers in crop diversification and formulating an effective policy framework.
Indian J Econ Dev, 2023, 19(4), 847-854