Author: Manish Sharma and Ram Singh
Author Address: Research Scholar and Professor (Agricultural Economics), School of Social Sciences, College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences, Central Agricultural University (Imphal), Umiam-793 103 (Meghalaya).
Keywords: Black rice, market margin, marketing stakeholders, value chain analysis, value chain mapping.
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The study examined the orientation of its value chain and the extent of profitability among value chain actors during 2022-23. The snowball sampling method was used to select respondents from the study area. A sample of 180 rice growers and 82 marketing stakeholders were selected for data collection. The result of the study indicated that the majority of farmers produced black rice for home consumption, while others produced it for the non-farming population. Chak-hao cake was identified as the most profitable product and secured maximum value addition by value chain actors. In contrast, Chak-hao bhujia was observed as the most preferred processed product of black rice by consumers. The study recommended a need for awareness among black rice growers regarding marketing linkage, the extent of profit, processing opportunities and the high market price of their products.
Indian J Econ Dev, 2023, 19(4), 786-795