Impact Analysis of Robotization and Automation on Jobs: A Systematic Literature Review

Published On: 2024-03-14 07:20:11

Price: ₹ 500

Author: Anjali Bansal, S.P. Singh and P.C. Mohanty

Author Address: Research Scholar, Professor and Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee-247667 (Uttarakhand)

Keywords: Automation, future of work, jobs, occupations, robotization.

JEL Codes: O14, O33.


The pandemic, coupled with Industry 4.O, augments the claim that new technologies like automation and robotization can potentially substitute human work with machines. The available literature was distinguished across three potential outcomes of adopting robots and automation: Displacement, countervailing, and polarisation effects. The displacement effect on jobs due to the adoption of robots and automation was majorly witnessed in the USA, UK, China, and some European countries. No empirical studies specific to India were available that discuss displacement and countervailing effects of automation and robotization. Countervailing effects will only work across economies with a more skilled workforce and enough endowment for upskilling and reskilling workers as per industry standards available. The polarization effect was witnessed across countries as jobs get more skill-biased. The findings from available literature on this subject vary from country to country and sector to sector. Hence, as the available literature provides varied views on this subject, there is ample scope for new research. 


Indian J Econ Dev, 2024, 20(1), 178-191