Assessment of Variability and Seasonal Patterns in Lemon Arrivals and Prices across India

Published On: 2024-03-14 07:27:49

Price: ₹ 500

Author: Bilavat Swami Nayak and Mini Goyal

Author Address: Research Scholar and Principal Economist, Department of Economics and Sociology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004 (Punjab)

Keywords: Lemon, seasonality, trend, variability.

JEL Codes: C53, Q02, Q13.


The current study examined the variability and seasonal patterns in lemon arrivals and prices across the significant lemon-producing states in India from 2013 to 2022. Six important markets (Tenali, Surat, Pune, Udipi, Attabira, and Lashkar) in the country, one from each of the selected states, were chosen based on their annual market arrivals of lemons. The variability measured through the Cuddy-Della-Valle index showed similar price behaviour in all the selected markets, with the highest price variability during the peak season. The price behaviour of lemons showed a significant positive trend in all selected markets. Seasonal indices for market arrivals were highest during the peak harvesting season of lemons, with the Tenali market demonstrating the highest seasonal variation among all the selected markets. The prices were high during the off period of arrivals.


Indian J Econ Dev, 2024, 20(1), 136-146