Application of Binary Logistic Regression in Technology Adoption Decision: The Inter-Temporal Comparison

Published On: 2024-06-22 08:33:01

Price: ₹ 500

Author: Taptej Singh and Baljinder Kaur

Author Address: Deputy Project Director (ATMA), Department of Agriculture and Farmer's Welfare, District Moga-142 001 (Punjab) and 2Scientist (Quantitative Methods), Department of Economics and Sociology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004 (Punjab)

Keywords: Conservation agriculture, laser leveller, logit model, resource conservation.

JEL Codes: C25, C83, C91, Q16.


The study of the demographic profile of the respondents revealed that the youthful, progressive, and forward-thinking farmers adopted laser land levelling technology. The binary logistic regression model results revealed that the adoption choices were mainly influenced by the extent of water use and progressiveness of the sample respondents in AY 2011-12. However, in AY 2021-22, the variables related to the paddy crop and average farm area tend to stimulate the adoption decisions of the respondents. Whereas the time required for irrigation per hectare of field negatively influenced the adoption decision in both research periods. It was concluded that over the decade, the basis of the adoption decision were shifted from the monocultural crops (paddy and wheat) to the solitary paddy crop, which showed the transformation in the quotient of the research area during the last decade.  


Indian J Econ Dev, 2024, 20(2), 407-413