Indian Journal of Economics and Development
Volume 10 No.4, October-December, 2014
Research Articles
The proximate effect of healthcare outlays in the Nigerian accelerated growth equation
Mcrollins Efe Olotu, Benjamin A. Umueme and John Elisha Ikhu 313
Sustainability of paddy-wheat rotation in Punjab
Aakanksha Melkani and P. Kataria
Cassava markets integration analysis in the central region of Ghana
Bannor Richard Kwasi and Bentil Julian Kobina
Economics of turmeric cultivation in Punjab
Devendra Kumar Mahawar and D.K. Grover
Levels of living of rural non-farm households in Punjab
Jasdeep Singh Toor
Demand and supply of institutional credit in Rajasthan
Vishnu Shanker Meena, Shirish Sharma and S.S. Jheeba
A study on financial performance of leading cycle manufacturing companies in India
Shivani Verma and Y.P. Sachdeva
Cost and returns analysis of sugarcane cultivation of IPM vis-a-vis non-IPM farms in Haryana Sumit,
R.S. Pannu and Ajay Kumar
Situation outlook analysis of groundnut in India with special reference to Karnataka
H. Lokesha, G.C. Shekar and Mahadeva Swamy