Author: Limasunep Ozukum, Sanjoy Das and Kitila Walling
Author Address: Research Scholar and Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, School of Agricultural Sciences, Nagaland University, Medziphema-797 106 (Nagaland), and Research Scholar, Department of Agricultural Extension, School of Agricultural Science
Keywords: Forest conservation, income, NTFP, sustainable development.
JEL Codes: L73, Q23.
The study examined the impact of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) on forest conservation by local communities in the study areas. Surveying 250 respondents from 20 villages, a good number of plant and animal-based NTFPs were identified in the states of Meghalaya and Nagaland. The Binary Logistic Regression Model confirmed that income from NTFPs had a positive and significant influence on four forest conservation models in Meghalaya and three forest conservation models in Nagaland. It implied that the extraction of NTFPs can serve as a vital incentive for sustainable forest management. The policy recommendations include supporting NTFP-based livelihoods to enhance community engagement in conservation efforts through local conservation bodies and traditional institutions, including the state forest department.
Indian J Econ Dev, 2024, 20(2), 285-294