Chickpea Production and Trade in India: Competitiveness and Trade Direction Analysis in the Global Market

Published On: 2024-06-22 09:06:32

Price: ₹ 500

Author: Naresha N, Manjeet Kaur and Shaikh Mohd Mouzam

Author Address: Research Scholar, Principal Agricultural Economist, and Economist (Agricultural Marketing), Department of Economics and Sociology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141 004 (India)

Keywords: Comparative advantage, export, import, Markov chain, transition probability matrix.

JEL Codes: Q1, Q13, Q17, Q18.


The study examined the production and trade performance of chickpeas from 2001-2021. Trade direction was estimated using the Markov chain, and export competitiveness was measured using the nominal protection coefficient, revealed comparative advantages, and trade specification coefficient index. India leads other countries in chickpea area and production but lags behind chickpea productivity. India exported chickpeas to Algeria, UAE, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, and the USA (2011-2021). Iran and the USA have been the most loyal markets for Indian chickpea exports. At the same time, Algeria and Sri Lanka were the biggest gainers among major chickpea-importing countries during Period I (2001-2010) and Period II (2011-2021), respectively. The chickpea exports in India are still competitive in the global market. However, India had a negative trade balance as its chickpea exports were lower than those of imports.


Indian J Econ Dev, 2024, 20(2), 253-262