Economics of Resource Use and Production Efficiencies of Poultry Egg Farming in Punjab

Published On: 2024-06-22 09:07:51

Price: ₹ 500

Author: Baldeep Singh

Author Address: Research Associate, Department of Economics Studies, Central University of Punjab, VPO-Ghudda, Bathinda-151401

Keywords: Cobb-Douglas production function, egg feed price ratio, feed conversion ratio, human labour, poultry feed, pullets feed.

JEL Codes: D51, D61, M11, M54.


The present study was based on primary data collected from 100 layer poultry farmers applying the probability proportion sampling method throughout all the districts of Punjab state. The Cobb-Douglas production function was employed to determine the factors affecting layer poultry eggs production and resource-use-efficiency. The pullets and poultry feed were positive and significant statistically. Human labour was non-significant in all three categories, and it was positive and significant statistically at the overall level. It revealed that the gross returns may increase by 0.035 per cent if human labour utilization was enhanced by one per cent. While comparing the feed conversion and egg feed price ratio across categories again, large layer farms were found to be more efficient as compared to medium and small layer farms.  The findings suggested an urgent need to educate farmers to use resources such as pullets and poultry feed vis-à-vis human labour, which were overutilized.


Indian J Econ Dev, 2024, 20(2), 245-252